Accounting and Finance

Prof. Dr. Ehab K. A. Mohamed

GUC Vice President for Student Affairs

Dean, HoD, Professor of Accounting

Prof. Dr. Ehab Kamel's Portrait


Office: B5.309
Ext: 3330


  • PhD: Bayes Business School, City, University of London, UK

  • MSc: Bayes Business School, City, University of London, UK

  • BSc: Com (Accounting), Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt

Research Interests

Business Education, Financial Reporting, Sustainability Reporting, Disclosure and Corporate Governance.

Key Publications

Khaled, R., Ali, H., and Mohamed, E. (2021), The Sustainable Development Goals and corporate sustainability performance: Mapping, extent and determinants, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.311, 127599

Amin, M., Mohamed, E., and Elragal, A. (2021), CSR disclosure on Twitter: Evidence from the UK, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol.40, 100500

Amin, H., Mohamed, E., and Hussain, M. (2021), Corporate governance practices and firm performance: a configurational analysis across corporate life cycles, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, Vol. 29 No. 5, pp. 669-697

Mostafa, D., Hussain, M, and Mohamed E., (2020), The effect of religiosity-morality interaction on auditor independence in Egypt, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 1009-1031

Zaher, N., Mohamed, E., and Basuony, M. (2020), The effect of timely loss recognition and accrual quality on corporate bond spread: The influence of legal and financial institutions, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Vol. 64, 101171.

Google Scholar Link :

Prof. Dr. Hassan Ouda

Professor of Accounting


Office: B5.329
Ext: 3325


  • PhD: Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands

  • MSc: Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

  • BSc.: Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and Helwan University, Egypt.

Research Interests

Hassan Ouda research interests include public sector accounting and budgeting reform, particularly in relation to implementation of accrual accounting and budgeting, performance-based budgeting, and performance audit in public sector. He Authored the book Titled: “Practice-Relevant Accrual Accounting for the Public Sector: Producers’ and Users’ Perspectives” Published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Since March 2013, he has been appointed as a member of International Public Sector Accounting Standards Committee- ICGFM-USA. Since 2015, he has been the editor of International Journal on Government Financial Management-USA. In June 2015, he has been appointed as a board member of CIGAR (International Comparative Government Accounting Research). Prof. Ouda developed (2001 and 2004) the Basic Requirements Model (BRM) for successful implementation of accrual accounting in the public sector. The BRM has been used by the United Nations in 2005 to determine the key success factors of the adoption of full accrual accounting in United Nations Organizations. In 2010, he developed, A Prescriptive Model for Successful Transition to Accrual Accounting in Central Government. In 2014, he developed the Practical Accounting Approach for Heritage Assets: An Alternative Reporting Model for the NPM Practices. In 2016, he developed the Holistic Practical Accounting Approach for Governmental Capital Assets. In 2019, he was the key player in drafting the Unified Public Finance Law-Egypt.

Key Publications

Ouda, H. (2021), “Reshaping the Application of Accrual Accounting Principles and Postulations to fit the Context of Public Sector Entities” in Ouda, H., and Jorge, S. (authors), Practice-Relevant Accrual Accounting for the Public Sector, Palgrave Macmillan.

Ouda, H. (2021), “Towards a Practice-Relevant Holistic Accounting Approach for Governmental Capital Assets: An Alternative Reporting Model for the NPM Practices” in Ouda, H., and Jorge, S. (authors), Practice-Relevant Accrual Accounting for the Public Sector, Palgrave Macmillan.

Ouda, H. (2021), “A Sustainable Accounting Approach for Reporting on Long-term Fiscal Sustainability” ” in Ouda, H., and Jorge, S. (authors), Practice-Relevant Accrual Accounting for the Public Sector, Palgrave Macmillan.

Ouda, H. (2021), “A Suggested Dynamic Model of Making Public Sector Accrual Accounting and Financial Reporting More User Practice-Relevant: Using Practice-oriented Co- Design Approach” in Ouda, H., and Jorge, S. (authors), Practice-Relevant Accrual Accounting for the Public Sector, Palgrave Macmillan.

Ouda, H., and Klischewski, R, (2019), “Accounting and Politicians: A Theory of Accounting Information Usefulness”, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, Vol. 31, Issue, 4, pp.496-517.

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ResearchGate Link:

Assoc. Prof. Mona Elbannan

Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Associate Professor of Finance

Dr. Mona Elbannan's Portrait


Office: B5.334
Ext: 3341


  • PhD: Finance, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

  • MSc: Master of Business Administration (MBA), Finance major, Arab Academy for Sciences & Technology, Cairo, Egypt. (Accredited from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities).

  • BSc.: Bachelor of Economics and Political Science, Economics Major, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, Egypt.

Research Interests

Corporate Finance, Financial economics, Stock markets, Banks, Corporate restructuring, Sustainable Finance, Green Finance.

Key Publications

ElBannan, M. A. (2020). Does catering behavior persist? Evidence on dividend sentiment in emerging financial markets. International Review of Economics & Finance, 69, 350-373.

ElBannan, M. A., & Farooq, O. (2019). When are earnings informative?: Effect of stock liquidity on value of reported earnings in an emerging market: evidence from Egypt. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 12(3), 388-406.

ElBannan, M. A. (2017). Stock market liquidity, family ownership, and capital structure choices in an emerging country. Emerging Markets Review, 33, 201-231.

ElBannan, M. A. (2015). Do consolidation and foreign ownership affect bank risk taking in an emerging economy? An empirical investigation. Managerial Finance.

Elbannan, M. A., & Elbannan, M. A. (2015). Economic consequences of bank disclosure in the financial statements before and during the financial crisis: Evidence from Egypt. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 30(2), 181-217.

Google Scholar Link :

Assoc. Prof. Heba Ali

Associate Professor of Finance

Dr. Heba Ali's Portrait


Office: B5.203
Ext: 3348


  • PhD: in Finance, Exeter University, The UK

  • MSc: in Finance and Investment, Exeter University, The UK.

  • BSc.: of Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, Egypt.

Research Interests

Behavioral Finance; IPOs and SEOs; Risk and asset pricing; Corporate sustainability performance.

Key Publications

Ali, H., (2019). “Does Downside Risk Matter More in Asset Pricing? Evidence from China”, Emerging Markets Review, 39, 154-174

Ali, H., (2017). “Behavioral Timing, Valuation and Post-Issue Stock and Operating Performance of UK Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)”, Journal of Behavioral Finance, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 152-166.

Ali, H., (2019). "Directors Trades in UK Rights Issues: Do Firms Sell Overvalued New Equity?", Review of Accounting and Finance, 18 (1), 113-133.

Ali, H., (2018). Twitter, Investor Sentiment and Capital Markets: What Do We Know?" International Journal of Economics and Finance, 10 (8), 158-171.

Ali, H., (2015). When Do Firms Issue New Equity? Evidence from the UK, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 7, .31-49.

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Dr. Diana Mostafa

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Dr. Diana Mostafa's Portrait


Office: B5.307


  • PhD: The German University in Cairo

  • MSc: The German University in Cairo

  • BSc.: Cairo University

Research Interests

Auditing, Accounting Education, Ethics, Moral Development.

Key Publications

The Effect of Religiosity – Morality Interaction on the Degree of Auditor Independence: An Experimental Study by Diana Mostafa Mohamed, Ehab Kamel, and Moshtaq Hussein , Managerial Auditing Journal, 35 (8).

“Auditor Independence, Audit Quality and the Mandatory Auditor Rotation in Egypt", by Diana Mostafa Mohamed and Magda Hussein Habib, Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, (Emerald Group), September 2013 issue.

“The Impact of Auditor Rotation on Audit Quality: A Field Study from Egypt”, (2012), by Diana Mostafa Mohamed, published by LAP (Lambert Academic Publisher).

Dr. Hadeer Mounir

Assistant Professor of Finance

Hadeer Mounir's Portrait


Office: B1.315


  • PhD : German University in Cairo

  • MSc : German University in Cairo

  • BSc. : German University in Cairo

Research Interests

Finance, Financial Markets, Asset Pricing, Risk, Downside Risk, Portfolio Analysis, Corporate Governance

Google Scholar Link :

Dr. Hala Magdy

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Dr. Hala Magdy's Portrait


Office: B5.236
Ext: 3338


  • PhD:  German University in Cairo

  • MSc : German University in Cairo

  • BSc.:  Ain-Shams University

Research Interests

Compliance with corporate governance codes by both large and small companies. The relationship between corporate governance and firm performance corporate governance life-cycle. Applying contingency approach to the relationship between corporate governance and firms’ performance. Big data analytics tools and Auditing profession. Accounting Education Digital Transformation and UN Sustainable Development Goals. Big data analytics tools and Auditing profession Accounting Education Digital Transformation and UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Key Publications

El-Telbany, O., Abdelghaffar, H., & Amin, H. (2020). Exploring the Digital Transformation Gap: Evidence from Organizations in Emerging Economies. In PACIS (p. 79).

Tarek M., Mohamed, E.K.A., and Amin, H. (2020), Auditor’s Attitude towards ADAs Adoption: An Application of Technology Acceptance Model, British Accounting and Finance Association Conference (BAFA), United Kingdom ,AUDITNG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (ASIG), December Meeting.

Amin, H. M. and Mohamed, E. K. A (2019) “National Culture, Institutional Environment, and Characteristics of Board of Directors”, the Annual British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Conference, from 7th-11th of April, 2019, at University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Amin, H. M., & Mohamed, E. K. (2016). Auditors’ perceptions of the impact of continuous auditing on the quality of Internet reported financial information in Egypt. Managerial Auditing Journal.

Amin, H. M., & Mohamed, E. K. (2012). Internet financial reporting, quality of information and auditor’s responsibility in Egypt. International Journal of Economics and Accounting, 3(3-4), 276-294.

Google Scholar Link :

Amina Ehab

Assistant Lecturer of Finance 

Amina Ehab's Portrait


Office: B5.204

Eman Gehad

Assistant Lecturer of Accounting

Eman Gehad's Portrait


Office: B1.305

Hania Waleed

Assistant Lecturer of Accounting

Hania Waleed's Portrait


Office: B1.307


  • MSc.: Ongoing German University in Cairo

  • BSc.: German University in Cairo

Research Interests

Accounting, corporate sustainability, sustainable development

Israa Azouz

Assistant Lecturer of Accounting

Israa Azouz's Portrait


Office: B5.208

Menna Ragab

Assistant Lecturer of Finance

Menna Ragab's Portrait


Office: B1.124

Merna Saleh

Assistant Lecturer of Accounting

Merna Saleh's Portrait


Office: B1.305

Nabila Noaman

Assistant Lecturer of Accounting

Nabila Noaman's Portrait


Office: B3.216
Ext: 3337


  • PhD: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University, Belgium (On-going)

  • MSc: Master of Business Administration (MBA), Finance major, Arab Academy for Sciences & Technology, Cairo, Egypt.

  • BSc.: B.B.A (Banking), Faculty of Business administration, Sadat Academy for Management Science

Research Interests

Public Sector Research (Management, Accounting, Public Sector Accounting Reforms in Developing Countries). Heritage Studies (Cultural Heritage Management, Heritage Sustainability, Rehabilitation of Heritage and Urban Development, Accounting for Heritage Assets) Accounting in relation to Digitization, Big Data, data analytics and Digital transformation for both public sector and private sector.

Key Publications

Noaman, N., Ouda, H., and Christiaens, J., (2018), Indexing financial reporting information for heritage management E+M Ekonomie a Management 2018-06-25 | journal-article. DOI: 10.15240/tul/001/2018-2-013

Noaman, N., Ouda, H., Christiaens, J., El-Mehelemy, D. (2018), Towards good governance of heritage management systems: Possible role of accounting Corporate Ownership and Control 2018-05-29 | journal-article. DOI: 10.22495/cocv15i3c1p8

Salem, R., Noaman, N. (2016), Managing non-performing loans, case-study (B), case-study (B), and Teaching notes. 2016 | book-chapter. HANDLE: 1854/LU-7086456

The significance of financial reporting information for heritage assets management practice: a proposed disclosure index 2015 | conference-paper. HANDLE: 1854/LU-7087893

Noaman, N., Ouda, H., and Christiaens, J., (2014), Assessing the Value of Accounting Information for Heritage Assets Management, Proceeding of EGPA, PSG XII Spring Workshop – Public Sector Management and IPSASs Lisbon (Portugal), May 8-9, 2014.

Google Scholar Link :

Nada Aboelyazid

Assistant Lecturer of Accounting

Nada Aboelyazid's Portrait


Office: B1.303

Raneem Khaled

Assistant Lecturer of Accounting


Office: C1.211


  • MSc: German University in Cairo

  • BSc: German University in Cairo

Research Interests

Accounting, corporate sustainability, sustainable development, corporate reporting, corporate governance

Google Scholar Link :

Samah Adel

Assistant Lecturer of Accounting and Finance


Office: B3.219


  • PhD: candidate, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management- , Germany.

  • MSc: in Corporate Governance,  Cairo university, Egypt

  • MBA: Finance - Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

  • BSc.: B.Com (Accounting) – English Section-,  Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams  University, Egypt


Research Interests

Derivatives, Financial markets, Regulating Financial markets,  Behavioral Finance, Islamic Finance, Sociology, Corporate Governance

Google Scholar Link :

Yara Talaat

Assistant Lecturer of Accounting

Yara Talaat's Portrait


Office: B1.305


  • MSc: German University in Cairo

  • BSc: German University in Cairo

Research Interests

Accounting, Auditing, Finance, Artificial Intelligence, corporate sustainability, Financial Markets and Institutions

Google Scholar Link :

Habiba Elsayed

Teaching Assistant of Accounting

Amina Ehab's Portrait


Office: B5.229


Mariam Hassan

Teaching Assistant of Accounting

Amina Ehab's Portrait


Office: B1.305

Mariam Nabil

Teaching Assistant of Accounting

Amina Ehab's Portrait


Office: B1.305

Nada Elhag

Teaching Assistant of Finance

Amina Ehab's Portrait


Office: B1.305


Nada Khaled

Teaching Assistant of Accounting

Amina Ehab's Portrait


Office: B5.229


Nada Rostum

Teaching Assistant of Finance

Amina Ehab's Portrait


Office: B1.307


Omar Tarek

Teaching Assistant of Accounting

Amina Ehab's Portrait


Office: B5.229


Rana Samer

Teaching Assistant of Finance

Amina Ehab's Portrait


Office: B5.229


Reem Refaat

Teaching Assistant of Accounting

Amina Ehab's Portrait


Office: B1.202


Salma Hossam

Teaching Assistant of Finance

Amina Ehab's Portrait


Office: B1.320